
3 Ways to Use Essential Oils to Breathe Easy This Winter!

Happy Winter to you all!

The heaters are on and our skin will feel dry & itchy and needs to be more protected.

Your nose will need help to cope with feeling blocked, or runny or sneezing and tissue attack on the skin.

Your chests will need warming and decongesting and relaxing so you can breathe with ease.

Your immune system will need support.


It is that time of the year when we pick up all the germs going around so spraying your common areas with natural disinfecting essential oil products will prevent spreading the common colds.

The best essential oils to diffuse, mist or inhale are all those from the Eucalyptus family, (including Teatree and Peppermint), the Citrus family (especially Lemon) and Lavender for its analgesic, antiseptic and relaxation effect.

Diffusing essential oils into the room can help everyone in the family stay clear headed and healthy but also in the office and work place from spreading the germs around.

Also spray in the air where sick people mingle with healthy people to purify the air in the room or the car.


Keep surfaces clean and disinfected by cleaning with the essential oils recommended above, in a spray, over work surfaces, phones, door handles and light switches, or any common surfaces the family touches regularly. This will disinfect the surface and prevent spreading germs at anytime but especially winter.


Balms are also fabulous to massage onto the temples, throat, chest and back to clear the airways, and remember to rub it onto your feet for extra effectiveness, pull the socks on to keep it all on. Use as often as required.

At Naturelle Skincare we stock ALL of the Winter Remedies and Diffusers you will need for you and your families wellness.

Wishing you good health!

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