Breathe a sigh of relief, ahhh…. the last leg of winter!
As winter comes to a close this month we will come out of hibernation and start recovering from colds, flu, respiratory ills and depleted energy.
It is time to boost our immunity, circulation, respiration and energy ready to “spring” into spring.
Diffuse pure essential oils into your air at home and work!
Essential oils of Eucalyptus, Peppermint and Teatree will boost your immunity and ease your breath. Whilst Ravensara will ease any cough.
Essential Oils of Lime, Sweet Orange, Rosemary and Mandarin will boost energy.
Essential Oils of Rosemary, Basil, Peppermint, Lemon, Black Pepper will improve concentration
Essential Oils of Lavender, Chamomile and Geranium will help you relax into a healthy spring mode.
Mist the room around you using the essential oils listed above.
Take a Bath
Use bath oils with pure essential oil for whatever quality you need to improve, whether it be immunity, energy, concentration or relaxation (as listed above)
Massage the body with the oils of your choice (as listed above), diluted in a base carrier oil such as sweet almond oil or apricot kernel oil.
Dilutions for blending
1 drop essential oil to 10ml carrier oil for Baby
1 drop essential oil to 5ml carrier oil
1 drop essential oil to 2ml carrier oil